Getting a Life Read online

Page 6

  'I don't get all of what it costs, you realise.'

  'I know you don't but you get a fair bit. What are you saving for?'

  'Maybe I'll tell you one day. Now, how is that pizza doing do you think? I don't fancy another burnt offering, much as I love brown food.'

  Joanne went into the kitchen and took salad stuff from the fridge and managed to make two bowls of reasonable salad. They needed something extra with just one pizza between them. She knew about his appetite and wanted to make sure he had enough. The pizza smelt good and was perfectly cooked. She put it on the two plates and called him into the kitchen.

  'I hope you don't mind eating in here. There isn't a huge amount of room but it's quicker than moving everything in there.'

  'This looks wonderful,' he told her as he sat down. 'Salad too? You're spoiling me.'

  'Someone needs to. You don't look after yourself properly. You were going to take me out without eating anything, weren't you?'

  'I dare say we'd have found a snack or two from somewhere.'

  They ate in silence for a few minutes and then he said,

  'I like your style of cooking. This is my idea of heaven on a plate.'

  'Glad you're liking it. So, tell me what you've been doing with your week.'

  Chapter Six

  Mike arrived at her house at ten o'clock on New Year's Eve. She was dressed in jeans and a baggy shirt, ready to spend the day working.

  'You look good enough to eat,' Mike announced.

  'I don't know what you mean,' she said. He came inside and kissed her, lifting her off her feet and swinging her round. 'Steady on,' she said laughing as they both collapsed on to the sofa. He kissed her a lot more and once more, she felt as if this was going to be the start of something much bigger.

  They went to his father's workshop and she met his parents for the first time.

  'It's good of to come over to get things ready for the party,' his mother said.

  'We need to give you a proper welcome. Fetch a bottle of bubbly dear.' Obediently, Mr Thomas went off to find a bottle. 'Now tell us all about yourself. Mike says you work at the college. He said you went to your parents for Christmas. I say, why don't you ring them and invite them over for the evening? Another couple of folks won't be a problem.'

  'I'm afraid they had plans for today,' Joanne muttered, looking desperately at Mike for his support.

  'Yes, they're going to a party tonight,' he said feebly.

  'So are we going to drink this now or leave it till later?' Mr Thomas asked.

  'I say let's have it now,' Mike chipped in.

  'Sounds good to me.' His father opened the bottle and poured four glasses. 'Cheers.'

  Mike stood beside Joanne, his arm laid across her back. She raised her glass to the others and drank.

  'What's going here?' said a voice from the doorway. 'Am I missing something?'

  'Sally. Come on and have a drink with us,' Mr Thomas said cheerfully. 'We're just wishing success to ourselves for this evening. Joanne smiled at him.

  'I'm Joanne, Mike's ... girl friend,' she said holding out her hand.

  'Pleased to meet you. Sally. I work here but I doubt Mike has mentioned me at all.'

  'Of course he's mentioned you. Said how much you keep things moving around here,' she lied.

  'That's something. He usually never mentions anyone in this family. Independent or what?'

  Joanne laughed.

  'Typical man.'

  They soon finished the drinks and set to work. There was a large area to be cleared of bits and pieces of equipment and stores to be settled on one side. It was quite a room. They all worked hard to move stuff and then to decorate the place with a series of flags and balloons. Joanne and Mike worked together and ended up laughing like crazy over blowing up balloons.

  'Come on you two. There are some sandwiches to eat through here. I hope you like smoked salmon, Joanne? It's Mike's favourite.'

  'Yes, I remembered that. He ate like it was going out of fashion one evening at my place.'

  'Where do you live?' asked Sally.

  'Over the park in a side street.'

  'Not one of those newish places?'

  'Yes. I moved there about three years ago.'

  'How lovely. You must be earning pretty well to afford one of those.'

  'I'm a lecturer, so not too bad. And you work here?'

  'For my sins, yes I do. So how long have you two been going out?'

  'Not very long, actually.'

  'Really? You seem very tuned in together. I've been married for ages but we don't seem to get on as well as you two. He'll be here later so let me know what you think. He's home with the kids for now.'

  'I'm not sure I can say after such a brief meeting.' She took what Mike's sister said very seriously.

  'Don't worry. I won't hold you to anything.' She was laughing as she spoke. 'I was only joking. Now, what else do you want me to do?' she asked her mother, while Joanne stood blushing at her stupid remark.

  'I'm going home in a minute or two. I've got several crates of food ready to bring over. It's going to be tricky to get them into my car so can you come to help me?'

  'No rest for the wicked. I'll see you later. Happy balloon blowing.' Sally breezed off after her mother.

  'She's nice,' Joanne told Mike. 'I really like her.'

  'Now, balloon blowing, Miss Swithenbank. Only fifty more to go.'

  By four o'clock, the room was transformed. It looked very different from the place they'd all seen first thing. It had a proper party atmosphere and didn't look like a workshop at all.

  'This is exactly what I'd hoped for,' Mrs Thomas said happily. 'Perfect. You were quite right Mike. You said we could do it and you've made it all happen. What do you think, dear?'

  'Looks okay I s'pose.' Mike's father was clearly not a man of many words. He perked up at his wife's expression. 'Very nice indeed. I only hope you'll all be here tomorrow to un-decorate it all. We have to work again once this weekend is over and done.'

  'I can come over tomorrow,' offered Joanne.

  'Thank you my dear. Very good of you.'

  'I'm just not sure where we will put all the balloons,' she smiled. 'I suppose we might pop them first.'

  'I doubt there'll be very few left. You haven't met our balloon popping side of the family yet,' Mike said with a laugh. 'This year is a very much larger party than usual. There are a whole load of Aussies over.'

  'They're family members?'

  'They belong to my father's side. Six of them. My father's brother and wife and four younger folk. We met them last night and they're pretty riotous.'

  'Should be fun tonight then. Now, if you can take me home, I'd like to get myself ready.'

  'Okay. I suspect there's nothing much more to be done here. You brought the music over this morning, didn't you Dad?'

  'What music?'

  'All the stuff I recorded over the last week and a half.'

  'So where is it?'

  'On my iPod. Oh don't worry. I'll sort it later. Honestly, do it yourself or miss it out,' he grumbled as they were leaving. 'Thanks very much for all your help anyway. You worked hard all day. Hope you're not too weary now?'

  'I'm fine. Thanks for asking. I'll have a bath and that will soon sort me out. Are you coming back to fetch me or should I drive myself?'

  'Of course I'll fetch you. Good I got the car to myself for the day. Mel's gone away for the holiday so it's all mine. I'll pick you up at what, seven?'

  'When are the rest of the world arriving?'

  'About eightish I think. I just wanted some time alone with you first.' She felt a thrill run through her. She was looking forward to this evening but the idea of a bit of time spent together first pleased her no end.'

  She lay in her bath a while later, thinking of him with great pleasure. She did however, know one thing. She was totally in love with this man. One way or another, he'd got into her soul. She closed her eyes and thought about him a whole lot more. His dark hair, blue
eyes and his almost perfect good looks. He was quite a bit taller than she was but with heels, it was perfect. She also quite liked his leather gear ... not her usual choice but it suited him perfectly. At least she was spending a fairly important evening of the year with him. He wasn't escorting some expensively dressed floozy to a party somewhere. He was all hers for the night. Well, for a long evening, anyway. She had better not count her chickens about the whole night! She shivered suddenly. Sleeping with Mike? It certainly frightened her and hopefully, by the time it really happened, she'd be over it. She got out of the bath and dried herself. She took out her silver dress from the wardrobe and slipped it on. Immediately, she looked to see a different girl in her mirror. She would do for Mike. She twisted her hair into a knot and put on some make up. She was ready. And it was only six-fifty. She wandered around, wondering what had happened to him. It was seven fifteen by the time Mike was knocking at her door.

  'I'm so sorry to be late. A few problems in getting the sound system working. It all seems okay now though. I say. You look amazing. I really love that dress. It suits you beautifully.'

  'Thank you. You're very kind.'

  'I really mean it. It's perfect on you.' He reached over to her and took her in his arms. 'I really can't believe you're coming with me to what is just a family party.' Holding her close to him, he kissed her and sent all her senses soaring into space. She looked up at him, saying,

  'Thank you for inviting me. I can hardly believe it either. I'm looking forward to it. You're looking pretty smart yourself. No leathers tonight?'

  'Nah. The parents wouldn't approve. Shall we go then?'

  'Okay. I'm ready to meet the rest of your family.'

  'You ready? Let's go.'

  The room was still empty of people, except for Mike's parents. They had changed and looked very smart.

  'Oh my word. Don't you look lovely?' Mrs Thomas said.

  'Thank you very much,' Joanne said softly. 'You're looking lovely too.'

  'So who's this you've brought with you?' Mr Thomas asked his son. 'Surely she isn't with you?'

  'Okay Dad. Cut it out.'

  'I wondered how anyone looking like this would come with you. May I have a dance later? I can put you right about this young man. Tell you stuff about him that will put you off him forever.'

  'Thanks. I'd like that. I need some information about this son of yours.'

  Very soon, the room began to fill with family and friends. The Aussie contingent arrived amidst a great noise. Joanne was surprised to see them all arriving with sound waves that would have disturbed anyone's peace.

  'Why any dingbat like old Mike should attract a fancy bird like you is beyond me,' said one of them. 'If you want someone to really show you what's what, call on me.' She laughed and promised she would. 'So you gonna come and strut your stuff with me?'

  'I should think so. Thanks for asking.'

  For the following half hour, she was dancing solidly with one then the other of Mike's Aussie relatives. Dancing was maybe a rather loose term but she enjoyed herself and hardly stopped laughing the whole time. She went to the bar for something to drink and immediately, Mike came to join her.

  'Are you all right?' he asked. 'Need saving from the rellies? I gather that's what I have to call them. You know, Aussie style.'

  'I'm fine actually, thanks. That Jacob is quite a character isn't he?'

  'I suppose so. I didn't like the way he commandeered you though.'

  'Jealous, are we?'

  'Naturally. I want you all to myself.'

  'Sorry. You can have me for at least the next five minutes.'

  'Thanks a bunch,' he laughed. 'Come and dance with me then.'

  'Let me finish my orange juice and I'll be right there.'

  She finished it and they went to dance. Luckily, it was a slower number and she snuggled close to him. The smooched their way round floor and ended standing still, a million miles away from the party.

  'I love you Mike Thomas,' she whispered so quietly that he didn't hear her.

  'What did you say?'

  'Nothing. Just how much I enjoyed that dance.'

  Me too. I could dance with you forever and still have room for more.'

  'How romantic,' she whispered.

  The party went on till almost midnight. At which point, Mr Thomas called on everyone to make sure they had something in a glass to toast the New Year.

  'Get ready for the countdown,' he instructed. Everyone joined in together and raised their glasses at midnight.

  'Kiss me,' Mike said to her. She did.

  Various people began to leave once the midnight celebrations were over. The younger ones stayed on and Joanne was asked to dance again by the various family members. For once, she forgot her shyness and enjoyed dancing and whirling round. Mike cut in on the deal and took her hands and danced around with her once more.

  'Are you ready to leave?' he asked.

  'If you want to. I'm happy with that.'

  'I'll take you home then. It is after one o'clock. Time for all good girls to be tucked up in their beds.'

  'Hey Mike, you're not ducking out already are you?' Jacob asked him. 'Not taking that lovely woman away with you are you?'

  'Fraid so. I have to take Joanne back to her home. It's way past her bedtime.'

  'Aw shucks. I can't believe you actually have a bedtime.'

  'Oh believe me, I do.' She was laughing at the innuendo and leaned over to kiss him.

  'Thanks. You two make a lovely pair. I guess we'll all be invited back to the wedding before too long.'

  'Not for a long time,' Mike informed him. 'But if we do get married, I promise you'll be on top of the list. You ready, Darling?'

  'Oh yes. I think so. Bye. It's been great to meet you all.'

  'Sorry if I dragged you away,' Mike told her on their way back to her house.

  'Not at all. I was ready to leave. I felt I did my bit for Australian/ UK relationships.'

  'You certainly did. Jacob would have loved to come back home with you. I could see by the way he was coming on to you.'

  'I hardly noticed,' she teased him. He looked at her.

  'Come off it. You must have noticed.'

  'I was teasing you. Of course I noticed. But I wanted to come back home with you. Nobody else.'

  'Shut up.' He stopped the car outside her house. 'Come here woman.' He leaned over and kissed her once more. She shut up for all of five minutes.

  'Do you want a coffee?' she asked him when she resurfaced.

  'Wouldn't say no.'

  'Come on in then. And please, behave yourself. This is a quiet street,' she giggled.

  He followed her to the door and waited to be let in. They went into the sitting room and sat down on the comfy sofa.

  'Coffee?' he asked.

  'Sorry. Yes of course. I'll go and make it.'

  'I'll come with you. Can't trust you with the coffee pot on your own.' He followed her into the kitchen and stood close to her as she put on the kettle. 'Know something? I don't really want any coffee after all.' He caught her into his arms and once more, the world stopped turning. They snuggled together on the sofa until both were nearly falling asleep.

  'I think I should leave you now. I'll come back tomorrow to collect you.'

  'I want to be with you as much as I can during the holiday.'

  'It's so late now. I'll see you tomorrow.'

  'Bye Mike.' He drove off and she was left yawning and reflecting on a splendid evening. 'I hope you'll sleep with me soon,' she whispered to the air.

  Chapter Seven

  It really had been a lovely evening, Joanne thought when she awoke the next morning. She glanced at her clock. She shot out of bed in horror. It was already ten thirty. Mike had agreed to come and fetch her at eleven to go and sort out their room. She went into the shower and dressed quickly. Breakfast? No time she thought. She did make some coffee and was half way through drinking it when Mike arrived.

  'Do you want some coffee?' she asked him i

  'No thanks. I had some before I left. I'm a bit late again. Sorry.'

  'I didn't even wake up till ten-thirty,' she confessed.

  'Disgraceful. I didn't either.'

  In the factory rooms, it was still chaotic. There were balloons deflating all over the place and rubbish collected in one corner in a heap. Mike's parents were there, sweeping things together and collecting the flags from round the room.

  'What can I do?' she asked.

  'If you could stuff some of the rubbish into the bags, that would be great.'

  'I'll find the bags. We'll work on this between us,' Mike offered. He fetched a heap of black sacks and they began to fill them. 'How so few people could make so much rubbish beats me.' They stuffed the sacks and made short work of the balloons, stamping on them and reducing them to tiny bits of rubber. It was all rather silly and they giggled a lot. 'I think we make a good team,' he said as they finished the tasks.

  'I want to get the machines back into their places. Can you manage to help with that?' Mr Thomas suggested.

  'Sure.' They moved everything back into place. 'Is there anything else?'

  'I think that's about it. You are coming back for lunch aren't you?'

  'I er ... I don't know,' she replied.

  'We thought we'd eat back at Jo's place,' Mike told him.

  'Nonsense. Your mother's busily cooking enough food to fill an army. Get yourselves over there right away.'

  'But...' began Mike.

  'Get over there. We won't take no for an answer.'

  'See what they're like? I did warn you.' Mike said with a wry grin.

  'Okay. Thanks. We'll enjoy some nice food. Must be better than my efforts at cooking.'

  'This is true. Okay Dad. See you back at home.'

  They drove along the lanes and were soon at the Thomas's house. In the large drive, there were several cars parked.

  'Looks as if they have other folks there,' Joanne remarked.

  'I suspect it's the Aussie contingent again. Hope you can cope with Jacob's flirting with you all over again. I'm not exactly sure I can.'

  'Oh dear, I'm really scruffy. I should have put on something a bit smarter.'