Getting a Life Read online

Page 8

  'Thank you. Are you going to stay the night with me? I'd really like to wake up close beside you.'

  'I'd like to, if I may.'

  'Course you can. It simply isn't worth getting up and dressing and going out in the cold, now is it? It's really very cold outside and very warm in here.'

  'Not in the least. Mel would never miss me anyway. I'll need to be up early tomorrow though. We're having yet another meeting in the morning.' He paused, allowing his life to come back into his mind. 'There really isn't much else we can do.'

  'No more of that now. Kiss me again. I'm getting to like being in bed with you.'

  'Greedy girl. I have to leave you for a moment or two. Don't go anywhere will you?'

  He leapt out of bed and went through to the bathroom. She lay back, thinking that Trisha would never believe all of this. Nor would her parents or anyone else in the family. She smiled to herself, knowing in her heart she had met the man she really wanted to marry. Knowing it was one thing. Acting on it was something quite different. She knew it was what she wanted but he had to know it too. She could not, would not make any further comment until he did. Was she simply enjoying the sensation of it all? Maybe but she knew that she loved this man. With all her heart. He came back to bed shivering and they snuggled down together. Having someone in her bed felt strange to her but she loved it. Each time she stirred, she felt him lying close beside her.

  The next morning she peered out of the windows.

  'Oh goodness. It snowed in the night.'


  'Quite a bit, actually. It doesn't look too good for you to get work. I'll get up and drive you there if you like.'

  'You know what? I think I'll make it an excuse not to go in. I fancy a day spent together. How do you feel about that?'

  'It sounds fabulous. But will your father be all right with you not going in?'

  'He can lump it. I think a break from each other will do us all good.'

  'I'll go and make some breakfast for us. Bring it up to bed?'

  'Sounds great. Do you need help?'

  'I'm not doing a big bacon breakfast. Toast and coffee okay?'

  'Fine. I would never have turned down bacon though.'

  'Tough. There isn't any. Keep my space warm please.' She pulled on a dressing gown and went downstairs. It felt cold and she turned up the boiler to heat everywhere a little more. Two more days and she'd be back at college. She made toast and coffee and loaded everything onto a tray. 'Here it comes,' she called as she went up the stairs. He was sitting up in bed, looking gorgeous. She put the tray down and went to kiss him. 'Sorry, I couldn't resist doing that. Budge over and take the tray.'

  'What could be better? Sitting up in bed with a beautiful woman eating breakfast while the snow is falling?'

  'Nothing, unless it's a beautiful bloke,' she replied. 'That makes it all perfect doesn't it? Hadn't you better phone your father though?'

  'I suppose so. I'll do it a bit later though. Don't want him snapping at me to get my but out there right away.'

  'I'm sure we can concoct some dire tale about you being snowed in. Maybe they are snowed into their house?'

  'I doubt it. He'll have called the local snow plough to get him out. Got them all running round to clear the grounds. You don't know my father.'

  'Apparently not,' she laughed, getting butter smeared over her chin. He reached over and wiped it off, using one of the neatly laundered napkins she'd put out.

  'You do do things nicely,' he told her. 'I like the fact you even put out napkins for us to use.'

  'I try to please,' she told him.

  'Oh you certainly know how to please a bloke.'

  'I'm glad.'

  'Here, let me get rid of this tray,' he said, taking it from her and putting it on the side table.

  They found things to occupy them both for the next hour or so. They made love once more and lay there, chatting about inconsequential things. She felt so relaxed and happy she didn't know or care what else happened in her life. She stretched over and saw the time.

  'Don't you think you should phone your father now?' she suggested.

  'I guess I'd better. Do you mind if I use your phone? It's all so conveniently close. Means I don't have to move.'

  'Course not. Don't you want to use your mobile?'

  'I've left it back at the flat. Silly really but I was so mad when I came over last night. Amazing how things can change isn't it?' He called the office and getting no response, he phoned his home. It seemed his statements about his father were quite wrong. He was still at home and immediately, gave him the day off. 'Now how good is this? We can stay in bed all day if we want to,' he announced after he'd put the phone down.

  'I'd like to stay in for a while but I really do have to do a bit of work. We start back at college in a couple of days.'

  'I s'pose I should check with the agency to see if I'm still needed this evening.' It seemed he was. 'I'd better see if I can get back to my flat eventually. I'll have to change and get ready. I s'pose I'll have to get a taxi or something.'

  'So where are you off to tonight?' she asked, more than a little jealously.

  'A dinner or something. I'm not all that sure. I bet it will be cancelled.'

  'I hope you find out before you get there. It is still snowing.'

  It continued to snow all day. During the afternoon, he tried to get outside but they were well and truly snowed in. He called the agency again and told them he wouldn't be able to go anywhere that evening. They were not pleased and said they'd have to look for someone else to do the job. He eventually put the phone down in quite a bad mood.

  'Look, I'm really sorry but it looks as if I'm stuck here indefinitely. Damn. I needed that money. Well, I'm here until the snow melts at least.'

  'That's fine. No worries. I'll do some work tomorrow, whether you're here or not. How about going outside and doing some shovelling? I fancy a bit of fresh air and it has actually stopped for a while.'

  'Great. I'd like that.'

  They went outside, Mike wearing one of Joanne's older jackets. His own leather jacket was considered too precious. He had to wear his own shoes and very soon, they were soaking wet. She lobbed a snowball at him and he rolled one of his own and pelted her. Soon they were fighting like mad, both of them weak with laughter.

  'Hey, stop now. Please. Look at your bike. It's completely frozen in its corner.'

  'Oh dear no. I'll have to work on it to thaw it before tomorrow. I promise I will leave you tomorrow. Even if I have to walk across the park to my flat.'

  'Put it in the garage with my car. There isn't much room but at least it might thaw it a bit. I should have thought of doing it yesterday.'

  'Me thinks you had other thoughts on your mind yesterday.'

  'Perhaps I did. Can you blame me?'

  'Not one little bit. Shall we go inside now and light a fire in the lounge? I fancy lying in front of it and making love to you all over again.'

  She laughed and led the way back inside. He looked at the fireplace. There was an artificial log burner sitting there. He laughed and cancelled his plans.

  'I think it has to be your bed again, darn it.'

  She laughed, holding out her freezing hands to him. He took them and kissed them both. They laughed together and he kissed her once more.

  'I don't think now is the best time to go to bed. We'll need to eat again soon. I can't have you passing out without any food. I'll have to go and check the freezer. See what's there.'

  'You never did get any work done. Do you want to do some now? I can cook and you could work.'

  'I doubt it would do me any good really. I'll leave it till tomorrow and do something then. If I can turn you out early enough. Mind you, that will be hard for me to do too.'

  They spent a pleasant evening, cooking together and watching some television. Neither of them could wait to return to the bedroom. It was becoming a matter of urgency and great appeal to both of them.

  'We need to get to bed fairl
y early,' he reasoned. 'I mean to say, if we both have to work tomorrow, we need to have time to sleep don't we?'

  'You make a good case for it. Come on then.'

  He took her in his arms and kissed her until she was aching with desire. He touched her breasts, making her want him so much more.

  'I think you're ready for me now,' he said softly.

  'You are quite right. Come to bed with me. Right now please.' He laughed at her eagerness.

  'I hope you'll always want me as much as I want you right now.'

  'You can bet on it,' she said with a laugh. 'Oh Mike. I do ... no I won't say it now. I'd hate to spoil anything.'

  The next day, there had been no more snow so Mike left her after breakfast. He took his bike from the garage and set off. He made much more of it than was really the case, leaving her laughing again. She went back inside and began to sort out her work. It seemed a long time since she had done any. So much had happened since those days ... well, since two days earlier. She smiled to herself thinking about him lying beside her. She had watched him sleeping at one point and loved the memory of seeing his long eyelashes lying against his cheeks. His rather hairy cheeks. He hadn't shaved for a couple of days and was looking quite outdoorsy and rugged. She hugged herself at the memory. As for her, she was no longer a virgin. It was a very pleasant realisation and she felt happier than she could ever remember. She was now equal to everyone else she knew. With a sigh, she switched on her computer and tried to do something useful.

  It was three long days before she saw Mike again. He had phoned her from time to time but had been unable to see her. He told her that he was still fighting with his father but it was an ever on-going situation. She went back to college and was soon back into the swing of things. The snow had cleared quite well and she was still feeling very happy. She was more than ready to see her beloved Mike again when he phoned to ask if she was free that evening.

  'There's something I really need to discuss with you.'

  'What's that?' Joanne asked.

  'I'll tell you when I see you. It's all bit difficult to explain on the phone. I need to be with you to see how you react to what I have to say.'

  'Now you've got me really intrigued. What's it all about?'

  'I'll tell you when we're together.'

  'Shall I organise some dinner?'

  'We can go out somewhere if you'd rather.'

  'I'll see. I have some work to finish to I should get it done fairly soon. I'll see you round seven?'

  'Okay. I'll be there. Thank you.' He put his phone down and she sat staring at it for a second or two. He sounded anxious about whatever it was he was going to ask or tell her. Maybe he had fallen out with his father and wanted to move in with her? What did she think about that idea? Her heart lifted at the prospect but her head was telling her it was much too soon. She frowned. Imponderable questions.

  Chapter Nine

  By the time Mike arrived, she had put together some sort of dinner and felt extremely nervous.

  'So what did you want to ask me?' she said almost as soon as he'd taken his coat off.

  'Hey, hang on a mo. Let me get inside, won't you?

  'Sorry. I've been worrying ever since you called. Have I done something wrong?'

  'Oh Joanne, of course you haven't. My dear girl, why on earth would you think that?'

  'I don't know. I didn't know ... oh, don't listen to me. If you want to wait for a while, that's fine. Come and have a drink.'

  'Just a minute. There's something else I need to do first.' He kissed her and immediately, she knew everything would be all right. If he wanted to move in, she'd go for it. Anything he wanted, she'd agree to, as long as he kept kissing her that way. Feeling somewhat misty, they went into the lounge room. The fire was switched on and it all looked very cosy. A new bottle of wine was already opened and waiting on the side. The music was playing softly.

  'Mel and I have had a violent row and my father is still being so dammed difficult about everything. He refuses to acknowledge that anything is wrong and doesn't want any changes made. Sally and I spoke to him all day about it. We really need to make a whole raft of changes in the way we are marketed. The system needs updating and the way we work. Sorry, it's all a bit raw for me. Oh, thanks,' he said as she gave him some wine.

  'I'm really sorry for you. I can't think how it must be for you. Well for you both really.'

  'Thanks. But there is something I need to tell you.'

  'Go ahead. Look, if you want to move in with me, I think it will be all right. I'm not all that certain about it but ...'

  'No, it's nothing like that. I've been asked to do an escort duty. It's with one of your friends. Is that all right with you?'

  'It isn't Trisha, is it?'

  'Well, yes. She evidently called to ask for me to take her out somewhere.' She felt herself growing cold. She shivered.

  'It's nothing to do with me. You must do what you like.' She gave a shudder which she tried to hide.

  'Really? That's okay then. Now, what's for dinner?'

  Joanne was worried about his date with Trisha. She knew exactly what her friend was like and she doubted it would stop with coffee at her place. Damnation. How could she stop it? The thought of him with her friend was all too much.

  'I'll just go and check on dinner.' She just had to get out of his way for a moment. Luckily he didn't follow her. She stood in the kitchen looking at her own reflection. Why did she get into such a mess with someone she went out with? She stirred the pot of sauce and tipped pasta into another pan. She continued to stand by the side of the cooker and wondered what one earth she would say to Mike.

  'Are you all right?' he asked, coming into the room. He slipped his arms round her middle from behind her and held her close for several moments. 'Look I'm sorry. It was a crazy idea.'

  'No worries. I'm sort of over the initial shock. I'll think about it. Or do my best to forget about it. That feels nice,' she said turning and snuggling against him.

  'Don't worry about it. It's just a date.'

  'When is it to be?'

  'Does it matter?

  'Of course it matters. It will be another evening I'm going to be on my own.'

  She turned back to the meal she was cooking and stirred it some more. He leaned over the back of her and dipped a finger into the sauce.

  'Mmn. That is so good. What's in it?'

  'A couple of frozen frogs I found on the back door step this morning. Onions, herbs and a can of tomatoes. That's about it.'

  'Excluding the frogs, I trust.'

  'Excluding the frogs of course.'

  'Now, is that food ready to be eaten? If not I'm going to have to take a run round the block.'

  'I think it is. Let me test the pasta and if that's done, we have a go situation.'

  They ate and drank and talked more about his work. She remembered his comment about Mel and asked what the trouble was there.

  'Oh nothing all that much. He just wants to move his girl friend into the flat and I said it wasn't acceptable. He threw a wobbly and asked if I was planning to move out. That's why your comment about me moving in here surprised me so much.'

  'I hadn't realised it did. Make you feel surprised.'

  'I had already wondered about it but realised that it was all too soon for you. I also realised that I'm your first proper boy friend and that is also quite some responsibility. You really should go out with other men. Don't rely on me so much. I'm not at all reliable. Besides, I don't ...'

  'I'm glad you see it that way.' She sat back, thinking about him and what he had come to mean to her in so short a time. She already knew she was in love with him but was it because of the fact that he had been her first lover or because he was truly special? 'I'm sorry if you think I care too much.'

  'Let's go to bed.' He said it quietly and without any emphasis.

  'I'd love to but I do need to wash up and clear the kitchen before morning. I assume you're staying the night?'

  'Am I invited?
' he asked cautiously. 'After what I've said?'

  'Oh yes indeed. You are expected to stay.' Her words were equally quiet. They went into the kitchen together to wash their plates and the pans. 'You want to wash or dry?'

  'I'll wash. Then you can put things away where they go.' As they worked, she realised that it seemed to be like an old married couple working together. She loved seeing him standing by the sink and forgot all about drying the dishes. 'So, are you expecting me to dry as well?' he asked after the dishes had built up on the draining board.

  'Sorry. I was thinking. Thinking what it would be like having you around much more of the time. I quite like the idea actually.' She couldn't see the look that crossed his face and didn't know what was going through his mind. She went up to his back and slipped her arms round his waist. 'Bed now?'

  'I should think so. After all, it's already just past nine o'clock. Way past my bedtime.'

  'Mine too.' Gently kissing as they went, he led her upstairs to her room. Once there, he undressed her, slowly and gently. When she was naked, he laid her on the bed and began to kiss her whole body. She closed her eyes and lay back, loving the attention ... loving what he was doing to her and the sensations it was causing. He stopped for a moment, to undress himself. She opened her eyes and watched as his body was revealed.

  'You are very lovely,' she whispered aloud.

  'Thank you. You like this?' he said as he kissed her breasts.

  'It's all right. Mmm.' She giggled and then fell silent again. She tried to speak but he kissed her mouth to quieten her. It felt so good.

  Neither of them spoke again for a while. They made slow and gentle love together. It felt wonderful as he entered her once more. She sighed deeply, wanting this feeling of fulfilment to continue forever. She could say nothing to him, so full of emotion she was feeling. She kept touching him as if she could scarcely believe what was happening ... had happened to her.

  'That was wonderful,' she managed to say when they had finished. He leaned over for one last kiss. They settled down to sleep. When she awoke the next morning, she looked at her still sleeping companion. She knew that she really loved him ... not just a passing fling but she really did want him to ask her to marry him. Having slept on the thought, she knew now that she wanted to marry him. But, she would wait to be asked properly. No way could she ask him. She leaned over to him and kissed him. One eye opened and he smiled.